DOH Provides Free Mobile Service to Local Communities


by Kathy Mellstrom

The Care-a-Van is a new mobile COVID-19 vaccination effort offered by the Washington State Department of Health and available to partners across the state. Their goal is to serve communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and to work closely with community partners and local health jurisdictions to increase access to vaccines for priority communities. Attached please find a flyer with more information about the Care-a-Van and how partners can request this service. The direct link to the online request form is

As stated, the Care-a-Van team works closely with local health jurisdictions and many times your local health jurisdiction will request to handle your vaccination event, especially if there is a scheduling conflict with Care-a-Van. Any event, big or small makes an impact on your community and mutually benefits our common goal of protecting our communities. We greatly appreciate all of your efforts.

For specific questions about Care-a-Van, please email [email protected].