Which Candidates are Participating in the Democracy Voucher Program?


Jon Grant is one those candidates who is eligible for the Vouchers. He started early campaign on facebook asking voters to donate to him.
City of Seattle – June 5, 2017 – Did you receive $100 in Democracy Vouchers from the City of Seattle earlier this year? The program deadline for candidates to enter the program ended on June 2 and the final list of participating candidates is now available.
Candidates must pledge to participate in the Democracy Voucher Program. Only participating City Council (at-large) and City Attorney candidates may accept your Democracy Vouchers. Mayoral candidates are not eligible for Democracy Vouchers until the program expands in 2021.
The following 13 participating candidates may accept your Democracy Vouchers before November 30, 2017:
City Council At-Large (Position 8): Rudy J. Pantoja Jr., Sheley Secrest, Jon Grant, Teresa Mosqueda, Hisam Goueli, and Mac S. McGregor.
City Council At-Large (Position 9): Ty Pethe, Pauly Giuglianotti, Ian Affleck-Asch, Eric Smiley, Lorena González, and Pat Muramaki.
City Attorney Candidate: Pete Holmes
Of the 13 candidates who are participating in the program, three candidates have completed the qualifying process and are receiving funds from Democracy Vouchers. The remaining 10 candidates are in the process of qualifying for the program and must collect enough signatures and qualifying contributions.
For the complete list of candidates running in the 2017 City of Seattle elections, please visit the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission’s active campaigns page.
In the first five months of the program: 15,079 Democracy Vouchers have been correctly assigned to participating candidates and 4,151 Seattle residents have turned in at least one voucher.
Wayne Barnett, the executive director of the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission, says, “We’ve made the process of getting replacement vouchers as simple as possible. If you’ve lost your vouchers since January, please contact us and we’ll be happy to get them to you so that you can participate in the process.”
Missing your Democracy Vouchers?
Request replacements by visiting the website, calling (206) 727-8855 or e-mailing [email protected]. You may request a PDF copy e-mailed to you or a new set of vouchers mailed to your address.
Can I still apply for Democracy Vouchers?
Yes. The application is available online at seattle.gov/democracyvoucher or call (206) 727-8855 to request a copy (language assistance is available). The application is available in 15 languages.