TNC Drivers Will Get Pay Increase Per Mile, Minute, and Cancelled Trips


Runta News-Seattle

Seattle’s new TNC Driver Minimum Compensation Ordinance will be effective on January 1, 2021.  The ordinance requires TNCs like Uber and Lyft to pay a minimum per mile and per minute rate and provide certain other protections, like tip protection and a right to be provided personal protective equipment during the pandemic. 

Starting on January 1, 2021, the minimum per mile rate is $1.33 and the minimum per minute amount is $0.32.  The per minute rate increases monthly until it reaches $0.57 on April 1, 2021. For all trips, including if the customer or TNC cancels the trip, the driver must be paid a minimum of $5 per trip. Read more about the law here.

Driver Pay Calculator

Driver Pay Calculator

The City of Seattle has made a driver pay calculator available online.  Drivers and the public can use this feature to calculate the approximate required pay for a particular trip. Please note that the pay rates provided by this calculator are designed to be informational and educational only, for illustrative purposes.

Public Rulemaking Process Begins in 2021

OLS also announces the beginning of its administrative rule development process for the TNC Driver Minimum Compensation Ordinance. OLS regularly develops rules that are legally enforceable and clarify the rights and responsibilities of those impacted by the ordinance and how OLS will implement laws.  

OLS will facilitate up to five online meetings in January and February to gather input for the development of proposed rules. We invite community members with experience in and knowledge of the TNC industry to participate in these meetings to identify key considerations, data, and insights that OLS should understand or address in the rules. To participate in the meetings, please contact Kerem Levitas at [email protected] by January 6. OLS will provide language interpretation services and disability accommodations upon request.  In your email, please note if you will need language interpretation or a reasonable accommodation.