Community Clean Up Efforts in SeaTac, Washington


Runta News – Seattle

Partner in Employment is making a difference in community by beautifying the local business district in SeaTac. On Fri, Oct. 12th, over 20 volunteers joined the City of SeaTac and Eecology to pick up litter and promote recycling.  The project aims to build capacity for SeaTac ethnic communities to improve the environment. According to Public Works Programs Coordinator Mason Giem at the City of SeaTac, the program helps residents feel empowered so “that when [they] see garbage on the street [they] can take the responsibility to pick it up and keep the neighborhood clean every day.” Volunteers picked up plastics, trash, cigarette butts, and large roadside debris as well. Christina Billingsley, Port of Seattle Environmental Engagement Program Manager, noted “This collaboration between the community, City, Port, and local businesses to improve the environment is exactly why we created the ACE Fund. This innovative project helps achieve the Port’s goals to steward our environment responsibly, and we are eager to continue working with Partner in Employment to make this happen.” This event was sponsored by the Port of Seattle’s Small Matching Grant Program, which provides funding for community organizations to start environmental stewardship projects.

Amina Ahmed, the Executive Director of Partner in Employment said during a brief interview with Runta News, “I just feel it’s our duty as community members and community member to safeguard the environment and keep it clean. Plus, cleanness is half of Islamic religion”.

SeaTac which is south of Seattle is a home for a large number of the Somali community and their businesses. It has a place called “Little Mogadishu” because of the community interaction in that smaller area in which the best known “Bakaro Mall” business center located. The City also welcomed last week to its Council Members Amina Ahmed who has become the first Somali or Muslim to hold ever a such position.

Partner in Employment (PIE) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that aims to address the challenges of employment among Washington foreign-born populations. Thanks to the hard work of our diverse faculty, and philanthropic efforts of our donors, we are able to create liveable wage employment opportunities for immigrants and refugees in Washington State.