US Congressman Adam Smith and Local Advocates Call for Peace in Yemen


    Photo credit Le’Voy Cooks

    Runta News- Seattle September 21, 2018

    Members of local community organizations have joined US Congressman Adam Smith to shed light on the bombing campaign led by Saudi Arabia and UAE against the Houthis which have caused the worst humanitarian disaster in the world. The war between the two sides have entered its 4th year with no end in sight. The bombing campaign backed by the United States, and Houthis backed by Iran destroyed the livelihood of Yemenis who majority are now dying of severe malnutrition caused by lack of food delivery. The country has become a battleground for ideological warfare between opposing factions, minority Shiite and majority Sunnis.

    Congressman Adam Smith has been strong advocate for peaceful solution for the war. He has presented many resolutions to the Congress and condemned the bombing. Dr. Aisha Jumaan, President and founder “Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation” who organized this meeting has recently visited Yemen and involved in humanitarian work on the ground which has delivered food and medicine to the suffering Yemeni people. Opposition to end the war and bombing campaign is growing big across the US.

    May this year, Adam Smith who is also the House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member debated in favor of Rep. Ro Khanna’s amendment to the 2019 defense bill, which opposed U.S. military involvement in Yemen’s civil war.  In it he said, “Now, if we can work towards a negotiated peace, if we can do something to bring greater stability to Yemen, I am all for that”. “So”, he added “I think this amendment is carefully crafted to try to say further destabilizing Yemen by creating humanitarian crisis is not the way to gain the upper hand on Iran and is also doing things that we, frankly, should not be part of”.

    According to an ad targeting world leaders, delivered on a big red bus this week. A media group based in Washington, DC, launched the ad campaign in New York City which exclusively targets World leaders in town for the 73rd United Nations General Assembly. The goal? An end to the war in Yemen.

    A New York City tour bus is part of an outdoor advertising campaign during the UN General Assembly meeting to raise awareness about the war being fought in Yemen. Credit: Courtesy of Inside Arabia

    Members of the community who were at the roundtable meeting are:

    Tracy Drinkwater Mercer Island, Director School board

    Mohamud Yussuf Somali community leader and editor of local newspaper 

    Moh Kilani co-director of the Truman Security project

    Eric Rasumssen, CEO for Infinitum Humanitarian Systems (IHS), Eric is a Combat-Service-Disabled Veteran

    Jonathan Brown Friends Committee

    Andrew Peppler Veteran with the Truman Security Project

    Aneelah Afzali, Executive Director of MAPS/AMEN

    Varisha Khan OneAmerica Votes, and more other members.