Have You Used Your Democracy Vouchers?


(Photo) Randal signing voucher 1

By Annie Tran

Democracy Voucher Program candidates are starting to reach their fundraising limits.

But there’s still time for Seattle residents to give their vouchers to their preferred candidates running for mayor, city council, and city attorney in Seattle.

What are Democracy Vouchers?

Democracy Vouchers are four $25 certificates you can use to donate to participating candidates to help support their campaign for the 2021 General Election.

When should I use my Democracy Vouchers?

You should use your Democracy Vouchers as soon as you know who you want to support. Participating candidates can only receive a limited number of vouchers.

I am a lawful permanent resident. Can I apply for the Democracy Voucher Program?

Yes, this program is open to permanent residents (“green card holders”) who are over the age of 18 and live in Seattle. You may download the application on the website or call (206) 727-8855 to request an application by mail. This application is available in 18 languages.

Why should I use my Democracy Vouchers?

Using your Democracy Vouchers is another way for you to get your voice heard in Seattle’s elections. Candidates running for office often need to raise money early to maintain a competitive campaign.

I am a registered voter in Seattle. I can’t find my Democracy Vouchers. How can I request replacements?

You can request replacement Democracy Vouchers on our website or by calling (206) 727-8855 (interpreters are available).

How can I learn which candidates can still receive Democracy Vouchers?

Visit our participating candidates page on our website or call us to learn more.

Questions? Visit www.seattle.gov/democracyvoucher or call 206-727-8855 (interpreters are available).