Mayor Murray and King County Executive Constantine on President Trump’s Executive Orders on Immigration!


SEATTLE (January 25, 2017) – Mayor Ed Murray surrounded by City Council Members, Police Chiefs, and Civil rights activists issued the following statement after President Trump signed executive orders on immigration:

“Today is one of the worst days for immigrants in America since Japanese internment. Just days after hundreds of Seattleites volunteered to support more than 1,000 members of our immigrant community, President Trump sent a message back. He doesn’t respect our values and will exercise his power to threaten immigrants and our federal funding.

“I want to assure Seattle residents that while they are right to be alarmed about President Trump’s divisive vision, they should not be concerned that this City will be bullied into stepping away from its commitments and values. The City of Seattle will continue to protect the rights guaranteed to the City and its people by the United States Constitution and will challenge any unconstitutional policies that threaten the security of our communities.

“We are a nation of laws and we are committed to defending our residents, our values, and the Constitution in the court of law. We will not be intimidated.”