What VOT Stands For, Who Does It Serve?


By Mulki Mohamed

Since the establishment of Voices of Tomorrow, hundreds of community members have benefited from its services and advocacy. In a short of period, it has achieved its goals more than any community organization we have known.

Founded by two professional Somali women, Iftin Hagi Mohamed and Zamzam Mohamed, equipped with passion for education and early learning, VOT had a vision to build strong sustainable community that is successful with a mission to preserve immigrant and refugee children’s identity through culturally responsive child-focused programs.

Voices of Tomorrow works to break the cycle of educational disparity and create better future for East African children. They also advocate for our communities and at the same time prepare future advocates for the community and family needs.

In partnership with larger entities such as King County’s Best Start for Kids, Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning, and families Education Preschool Promise, VOT’s top priority has been eliminating racial inequities in the early learning system which deeply affect immigrant and refugee children’s growth, development, and academic performances.

 VOT has become a hub and refuge for many families with children. Some of the programs they offer include English/Somali Dual Language Preschool which is the first of its kind offered in the United States, Family Childcare, and Technical Assistance and Advocacy Trainings for Parents and Members alike.

Its strategies for 2024 include to eliminate or severely reduce the early learning disparities for immigrant and refugee children in King County, expand dual-language Somali/English early learning programs throughout King County, create culturally responsive tools to inform best practices, and have representation at all spaces where children are the center-focus.

COVID-19 has not impacted VOT’s service but instead has increased its support to the community. It has served 450 immigrant and refugee Family Childcare Providers, 240 young children, and 350 families according to their 2020 report.

VOT’s mottos are mainly based on the African Proverbs one of which is, “many hands make light work”. Its staff has exponential gown in a short time from few friends of cofounders to more than 80 when not included another almost 80 of contractors and consultants. Runta News will explore its work and will provide to our readers more details and interviews about this impressive young organization which has achieved huge for our communities of Muslim, East African, and Somali who are struggling but also thriving because of the amazing work of Voices of Tomorrow. Until then, please learn more at https://www.tomorrowvoices.org/


Mulki Mohamed | mulkidesigns.com

Research Manager | Runta News Media, LLC

Contact: [email protected]


Mulki Mohamed is the Research Manager of Runta News. Please find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.