Home GENERALEXTRASCOMMUNITY Trail Head Direct and Community Van Program

Trail Head Direct and Community Van Program

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With hundreds of parks, trails, and natural areas across the county, King County Parks has something for everyone. The Parks Department has spent the past couple of years getting feedback from the public on Trailhead Direct and a variety of other engagement efforts focused on equitable and safe access to the outdoors.

The Parks has also expanded its Transit to Nature partnership program with King County Metro, the Wilderness Society, and ECOS to promote Community Van as an affordable, flexible option for groups looking to get out into nature and beyond.

Now learn more about the Transit to Nature partnership between King County Parks, King County Metro, ECOS and the Wilderness Society, and get started with Community Van today by visiting @ https://trailheaddirect.org for more information.

How Community Van works?

You can use the Community Van to gather with friends and family for a BBQ, take your kids to the playground, or go on a trek on trails to connect with nature. All pre-planned Community Van trips are determined by residents to fit the unique needs of the community. Community Vans go to various places throughout your community such as: grocery stores, food banks, community centers, libraries, sporting events, shopping centers or one-time trips to special events. Contact your local Community Transportation Coordinator to learn how to join existing trips, request new trips or suggest trip ideas!

What if I request a trip but can’t make it?

Please contact your local Community Transportation Coordinator or Community Van volunteer driver as soon as you become aware you are unable to make the requested trip. This will allow time for them to offer your seat to another rider or make the vehicle available for another trip.

If you have a trip idea, Call: 206-625-4500 or Email: [email protected]. Your local Community Transportation Coordinator can also help you find out about other travel options in your community.

Talk with your local Community Transportation Coordinator!

 Community Van is a partnership pilot project between King County Metro, and your community and local government. Contact us and get started:  Visit:  https://kingcounty.gov/community-van  Email: [email protected]

Accessible vans are available upon request.

 Alternate Formats Available

 Local calls: 206-625-4500

 Toll-free: 1-800-427-8249

 WA Relay: 711

Learn more and get started today! www.kingcounty.gov/CommunityVan

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