My Bloody Country: A Must Watch Documentary


By Jamal Osman, BBC Africa Eye

Kismayo in Jubbaland, southern Somalia, was meant to be a safe haven, a place where children could grow up in peace away from Somalia’s civil war. A place which offered up hope of a secure and peaceful future.

For years, Somali journalist, Jamal Osman, has been searching for an end to the cycle of violence which has ripped his country apart for three decades. He believed in Kismayo, he had finally found the answers.  But a horrific Al Shabab attack on the Madina Hotel in July this year, that left twenty-six dead and fifty-six injured shattered that illusion.

Jamal travels to Kismayo to meet with soldiers from the elite Jubbaland army unit known as Rohan (‘unseen’) made up of former Al Shabab fighters, to find out what made them turn against their former comrades.

Watch the 10 minute clip here

Watch the full doc here